Librarian in the Wild


Well, I've done it again. I've managed to not write a single word all week until the last minute. In my defense, life has been a bit crazy. But, I promise I will, at some point in the very near future, get back to the regularly scheduled programming my two adoring readers love so much.

I'm sure by now you've started to wonder what is making Librarian in the Wild's life so crazy they can't manage to write a few words a day to make a blog post. Well, please keep reading and I'll tell you all about it.


I believe that one of the most interesting, and challenging, things about being a librarian is that you never know what problem a person is going to walk through the door with at any given moment.

It could be something simple like needing to print from their phone or help with downloading an ebook. Some need computer access. Others want entertainment for themselves or their children. Some just need a place to get out of the the elements. Other issues are more complex and don't have a simple answer, or maybe they can't be solved with a visit to the library. We had one such instance not so long ago.


This archive page is a quick way to access all of my older content.

If you are looking for a listing of blog posts by year, please use this Archive page.

If you prefer hashtags for finding related content, here is a list of all of the hashtags I use on this blog.

General Hashtags:

#blog #books #familytime #first #friends #musings #parenting #response #reviews #work

#bluecollar #bluecollarlibrarian #hiring #librarian #libraries #library #literacy #management

#fishing #kayak #microadventures #nature #outdoors #spring

I'm an avid reader of Noisy Deadlines. In fact, discovering Noisy's blog is how I found out about the platform. I had been looking into starting a blog again via WordPress or Blogger, but after stumbling across I thought I would enjoy it more. So far, so good. I like the simplicity of it, the small internet feel, the lack of ads, but I digress.

If you're curious as to why I started blogging again, and you haven't read my first post, Why This Blog, you might enjoy reading it, or you might not. There's only one way to find out.

Anyways, why am I talking about Noisy Deadlines? Noisy's latest blog post, Embracing Lighter Reads struck a chord with me. So, I wanted to add to the conversation.


If you want to read the first post in this series you can find it here. It has all of the background information for this series.

The general premise, however, is that many blue-collar skills translate well into library work. That is, a general understanding of certain blue-collar skills can be beneficial to a librarian. There is no scientific evidence or any scholarly articles I can link in order to back up this theory (I guess there could be, I honestly haven't looked). I'm just going on my own lived experience for this series. My knowledge from working in the trades has served me very well in the library world.

In my first post in this series, I covered my experience working in a diesel mechanic shop and how I leveraged my skills in the parts department to land my first library job. Today, I want to talk about basic construction skills.


This is a few weeks later than what I had hoped for in Early Mornings, but I wasn't happy with it. I made extensive edits, and I am much happier with this version. I hope you enjoy reading about my child's accomplishment as much I did in getting there with them.

1000 Books

My youngest child recently completed their 1000 Books Before Kindergarten (1KBBK) journey. It was a huge moment for us. We started this adventure with them the day they were born. Yes, I took board books to the hospital!


Buckle up. This is going to be a ramble.

My favorite part of the day is the early morning hours. I like to wake up around 5:30 and have a bit of quiet time to myself before the spouse and kids wake up. I'm an introvert. This is my recharge time before I have to face whatever the world will throw at me that day.

If it's during the week, I use this time to get ready for work, drink coffee, read the Atlantic, or local news. Then, I like to fiddle with a crossword or the Wordle.


As mentioned in my About Page I used to work in the trades before going to school and becoming a librarian. Blue-collar work, as they say.

Back in December, I was talking with my spouse about my ideas of giving blogging another go. We were kicking around different blog name ideas. We had tons of them, most of them terrible, but before I settled on the name, Librarian in the Wild, my spouse actually recommended calling this blog The Blue-Collar Librarian.


The wind is literally howling outside as I sit down to write this. It's one of those nights where you want to curl up next to the fireplace with a hot cup of tea and a good book.

Sadly, I don't have a fireplace, and I just finished my most recent read, so I must settle for comfy blankets and, of course, that cup of tea I mentioned.

Now, I want to be perfectly clear. I have no intention of turning this blog into a book review site. I like books, I read a lot of them, but I have no desire to be a book reviewer. However, every once in a while I may not be able to help myself.

This is one of those times. Mostly because it's relevant to what I like to write about.


First, I would like to thank you for stopping by my messy little corner of the Internet. It's not much, but it's mine. I like it here and I hope you will too.

I have blogged off and on for years on a variety of topics. I've had personal blogs, homesteading blogs, video game diary blogs, but nothing stuck, or rather, I didn't stick to them. I am hoping this will be different.

This blog, Librarian in the Wild, if you haven't figured it out already by the name, is primarily about my adventures, musings and experiences as a librarian. However, I have no desire to write about work all the time, so I will be throwing in pieces that cover the outdoor adventures I have with my family. I'm sure some other topics will find their way in as well.