Librarian in the Wild


Have you ever started a project thinking you could knock it out in short order?

Something simple like finally attaching the fishfinder you got for Christmas to your kayak. Surely that could take like an hour tops. Right?

Apparently not.


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If you are looking for a listing of blog posts by year, please use this Archive page.

If you prefer hashtags for finding related content, here is a list of all of the hashtags I use on this blog.

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#blog #books #familytime #first #friends #musings #parenting #response #reviews #work

#bluecollar #bluecollarlibrarian #hiring #librarian #libraries #library #literacy #management

#fishing #kayak #microadventures #nature #outdoors #spring

I ran into a friend of mine on the road the other morning. We had one of those movie scene gravel road conversations. You know, the ones where they block traffic in both directions so characters can talk about the weather, life, etc...

Anyways, during that road blocking conversation, my friend proposed a fishing trip for the next day. They alleged that the White Bass were running, and that we needed to go catch some. I accepted their offer for a Sunday afternoon adventure, and went about my Saturday. I worked, in case you were curious. The reduced number of employees discussed in my last post Hiring has me working too many Saturdays recently.


Microadventures abound! I had to work this past Saturday. It was one of those slow, draining days, that makes you question why you even bothered opening. Needless to say, after a day like that, I was pretty tired when I got home, and didn't feel like doing too much. My spouse had other ideas though.


I very recently stumbled across the term microadventures during one of my internet rabbit hole dives, and I instantly fell in love with the concept.

If you're not familiar with the term, a microadventure is, according to the coiner of the term, Alastair Humphreys, β€œan adventure that is short, simple, local, cheap – yet still fun, exciting, challenging, refreshing, and rewarding.”

The family and I have had a few microadventures since stumbling across this term, but I wanted to write about our most recent one that took place in our very own backyard. We didn't even have to get in the car and go somewhere! That's how cool microadventures are.


Plans. They are always good in theory, but sometimes mother nature has a way of forcing us to reconsider.

This past week, thanks to the three day weekend, the family and I made some last minute plans to go camping at a local state park.

It has been quite a while since we have gotten some tent time as a family, so we were excited by the prospect. Sadly, the day after we booked our campsite, we learned of the impending weather changes soon to sweep across the country.

So, we made the tough decision to cancel our weekend plans of outdoor adventures and settled in for a long, cold weekend indoors.

In our neck of the woods, we spent 4 days in below freezing temps with some light ice and snow. Very atypical for our area of the country. Could we have survived a night or two out in the cold? Probably. But sometimes it's best to hedge your bets and play it safe, especially when one has children involved.

While I love being out in nature, I also love a chance to settle down in a comfy spot with a book and that's precisely what I did over the long, cold weekend.

I hope you all stayed warm too.

We will plan an adventure for another day.

#outdoors #familytime


First, I would like to thank you for stopping by my messy little corner of the Internet. It's not much, but it's mine. I like it here and I hope you will too.

I have blogged off and on for years on a variety of topics. I've had personal blogs, homesteading blogs, video game diary blogs, but nothing stuck, or rather, I didn't stick to them. I am hoping this will be different.

This blog, Librarian in the Wild, if you haven't figured it out already by the name, is primarily about my adventures, musings and experiences as a librarian. However, I have no desire to write about work all the time, so I will be throwing in pieces that cover the outdoor adventures I have with my family. I'm sure some other topics will find their way in as well.