Librarian in the Wild


This archive page is a quick way to access all of my older content.

If you are looking for a listing of blog posts by year, please use this Archive page.

If you prefer hashtags for finding related content, here is a list of all of the hashtags I use on this blog.

General Hashtags:

#blog #books #familytime #first #friends #musings #parenting #response #reviews #work

#bluecollar #bluecollarlibrarian #hiring #librarian #libraries #library #literacy #management

#fishing #kayak #microadventures #nature #outdoors #spring

First, I would like to thank you for stopping by my messy little corner of the Internet. It's not much, but it's mine. I like it here and I hope you will too.

I have blogged off and on for years on a variety of topics. I've had personal blogs, homesteading blogs, video game diary blogs, but nothing stuck, or rather, I didn't stick to them. I am hoping this will be different.

This blog, Librarian in the Wild, if you haven't figured it out already by the name, is primarily about my adventures, musings and experiences as a librarian. However, I have no desire to write about work all the time, so I will be throwing in pieces that cover the outdoor adventures I have with my family. I'm sure some other topics will find their way in as well.