
What is this Blog?

This blog, Librarian in the Wild, is a collection of my musings and ramblings on librarianship. It serves as a repository of memories for my adventures out in the world, both natural and in the stacks. If that interests you, please keep reading.

Who Am I?

That's an excellent question. I'm glad you asked. Though I'm afraid I may not be able to give you a satisfying answer. Yet.

You see, I am attempting to maintain some form of anonymity with this blogging endeavor. For as long as that's possible anyways. If it gets to a point where I feel like remaining anonymous is stunting my writing or enough people figure out who I am, then I will change this About Me page to reflect that.

In the mean time, I will try to give as much information about who I am without giving away who I am. Sound difficult? I think so too, but I will give it my best attempt.

Thanks in advance for your understanding and respect of my attempt at privacy.

Now, on to what you came here for.

In short, I'm a librarian and I like the outdoors. Hence the name, Librarian in the Wild. If you would like some additional background info on why I started this blog, please read my first post titled Why This Blog.

I started my career path in the trades, but soon discovered that it wasn't for me. Thanks to the support and encouragement of my loving spouse, I headed off to college to start anew and landed in librarianship. It suits me.

In my youth, I spent many days after school hanging out in my local public library avoiding homework by escaping into fantasy novels. Growing up, I always had my nose is a book. While I don't get to read at work, unless I'm filling in for a storytime, I enjoy being surrounded by books and interacting with those in the community that share a common interest.

I grew up in the sticks, so when not at the library, I spent a lot of time running around in the woods near my house. Building forts, camping, fishing, etc... Now, I do those things with my family. This blog, in addition to being about libraries, is a place to record the outdoor adventures I have with my family.

So, if you like libraries and/or the outdoors, please stick around and read a while.


The views and opinions expressed in this blog, Librarian in the Wild, are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of my employer. Any content published on this blog is of my own opinion and is not intended to malign any organization or individual.